카테고리 없음2010. 11. 15. 18:49
각 decision phase(단계)에서  나타난 point들에 대해서 multiple-criteria comparision에 기반을 한 preferential information을 제공하기를 DM에 기대한다. 이것을 요약해서 샘플들중 best point를 지정하는것이라고 할 수 있다.

Outranking relation 
실제로 사실은 두개 혹은 3개의 상황은 DM 

Indeed, the fact that two or three situations are considered possible by the DM for a given pair of alternatives is due to the fact that he/she cannot, does not wish to, or does not know how to decide upon the appropriate situation. A possible grouping of preference statements can be modeled by a consolidated system of preference relations (CSPR). The most popular are CSPR's that use the outranking relation S (see Roy, 1985). We say that a outranks b if a is considered to be at least as good as b. Thus, stating that a S b, the DM does not have to decide whether this means that a is strictly preferred to, weakly preferred to, or indifferent to b.
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